January 29th, 2009 at 07:07 pm
I'm NEVER doing my before the New Year's Tradition again!
We got kicked out of base housing a few weeks ago
I really hate the Air Force with a passion now. I mean, common sense can go a long way, and they don't have any at all! But you know what they say, whatever doesn't kill you only makes you stronger.
Here's how it went. The husband went into the ARMY, and there was a two day break in service where he wasn't going to be ARMY yet and wasn't Air Force anymore. Well, the housing office called to inform us that their priority were Active Military Air Force, and we had turn in our keys my next week Friday. I was stressed out since we didn't have a place to stay, the short notice, and I wanted to strangle the lady who I talked to a month before explaining our circumstances, and was told that we could stay on base.
Anyway, long story short, we found a place to rent while the husband is gone until mid-November for some training.
I'm nervous about having to pay utilities (we don't pay utilities on base). We have to pay water, sewage, natural gas, and electric.
I'm curious to know how much other's pay on their utilities, and if you can offer me suggestions on keeping the bills low? I know the basics but any advice would be helpful for me.
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Overcoming Obstacles,
December 5th, 2008 at 09:57 pm
So, I know i'm only 22 years old, but i'm already thinking about retirement. I've been reading "Smart Couples Finish Rich" By: David Bach, and it's really got me thinking alot on how I want to live my life when I'm retired. The only thing is that I don't really know much about IRA's. My father-in-law was telling me that our best bet is to get a Roth IRA, something about taxes being taken out now rather than later. Now, with me being a SAHM, my husband can open me a Spousal IRA. Don't really know much about that except we have to make enough money for him to open me one.
Anyway, on the other hand, College Savings for the munchkins. I've been thinking about opening a savings account for them next month that way when they're older, we can give them the money. I've been told by my mother-in-law that that I had to be careful about it. She said that by saving them some money, it can disqualify them for financial aid when it comes to college. Now, is this true? I don't understand why it would disqualify them for financial aid.
Also, another question that I have is College Funds. What is the difference between Coverdell and 529 Plans? What if I invest all this money for the schooling, and they decide they don't want to go to college? What happens to the money then?
UGH! Maybe I should just cross my fingers and hope the girls will have a free ride to college?
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